Something happens when you grow your own food that makes it taste better. Even if you grow just a tiny bit of green to add to your salad, steak, or feeding tube meal, I guarantee that a handful of seeds sown with abandon will reap more than their weight in both nutrition and joy. We suggest starting with radishes. You can easily grow radishes easily, for both fun and health!
Plant Seeds, Harvest Joy
A few weeks ago, Kyra and I planted the “greens space” in our garden. Earlier, we used a garden planner app (we like the JungSeed Garden Planner) to design the perfect “where-we-would-plant-what” plot. It was all very detailed and precise. (Insert laugh track here.) First, we used a measuring tape from my sewing kit, baling twine and kabob skewers to mark off the “greens” space in our garden. Then, I gently stretched Kyra’s stiff wrist and fingers open, filled her palm with seeds, and she sowed with abandon. As she giggled wildly, the seeds blew through the air, stuck in the cervices of her wheelchair, made her cat sneeze, and fell to the ground. Some even fell into the our marked-off “greens” space. Wherever the seeds fell, we joyfully anticipated eating the crunchy-spicy greens that were sure to grow.
Now, a few short weeks later, just a little tug plucks a baby radish from its crowded patch in the garden. A tiny tap knocks away chunks of soil from the slim root. A quick swish of water (totally optional, in our opinion) finishes the prep work. Then, it’s time to pop the seedling into your mouth, your salad, or blend in your feeding tube meal. A bite of fresh, spicy spring, yum!
nutrition-packed radish greens, ready to eat!
Grow Your Own Radishes
We love to plant radishes because they grow quickly, and we’re not patient gardeners. Then, we learned that we could grow radishes for both fun and health. Radishes, and especially radish greens, are chock-full of vitamin C and calcium. As one of the cruciferous veggies (that’s veggies like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and Brussel sprouts), radishes contain properties that potentially fight cancer, maintain liver function, and aid digestion ( What could be better than that?
Ready to grow your own radishes for fun and health? Here are a few pointers:
- Get Ready
First, you’ll need to buy a packet of radish seeds. You can find seed packets in almost any grocery or big-box store. Or, buy online if you want a specific variety.
- Get Set
Choose a space outside your back door, or plant seeds in a flower pot, an old sauce pan, or an empty yogurt container. If you’re growing indoors, place the container in a sunny window or near your desk lamp.
- Sow!
Then (the most important part…) sow with abandon. Be sure to keep the seeds moist until they sprout. (That part is kinda important. Don’t let your seeds dry out!)
Because radishes grow quickly, and require minimal care, they’re the closest thing to immediate gratification a gardener can get.
Start harvesting when the radish greens are a few inches tall. Or, leave them until the root swells into a crunchy, spicy radish. If you use a feeding tube, blend your home-grown produce into your meals for a burst of fresh, vibrant joy that no pre-packaged formula can provide.
Peace and joyful growing,
Sara & Kyra